Cleanse Your Aura

October 2024
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What is an aura? An aura is an energy field. An electromagnetic field that surrounds every living creature.

If you want to find the secret of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nokola Telsa, physicist

Open your mind. Think of the Universe as made up of a large energy source… or in otherwords … Source Energy. Then every living thing has its own personal energy. All living things energy, or aura, is connected by this Source Energy. Your energy vibrates at a certain frequency and so does the Source Energy. Your goal is to vibrate at the same frequency as the Source Energy, the Universe. At this desired frequency we are able to manifest our desires and feel love, joy, beauty, peace, and confidence. When we are vibrating against Source Energy we feel jealous, worried, anxious, and negative.

Here are some ways to cleanse your aura and get a good start to attracting the life you want.

1. Mentally Cleanse or Meditate
2. Bath in Epsom salt and follow up with a shower
3. GO outside and experience nature
4. Counter negative thoughts with positive ones
5. Work on your goals

Staying connected to Source Energy is key. That means being aware of not only your energy but of the energy of those around you, the things around you. Source Energy gives you exactly what you want. Not what you say you want but what you feel you want. If you walk around angry all the time, but always talk about wanting a peaceful life, the Universe, or Source Energy feels your energy, it does not hear your words and therefore continues to manifest angry elements into your environment. It begins with you. If you want peace, begin by producing it around you. Clean your home or space, be nice and compassionate to those around you, exemplify in your personality peace and you will attract peace from Source Energy.

Desy, Phylameana lila. (2017, July 10). How To Clean Your Aura. Retrieved from

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